ASH: Focus on MDS
This section of the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting focused on the latest developments on myelodysplastic syndromes.
Dr. Schienberg discussed luspatercept in MDS, selinexor in AML, and the difficulty of randomizing trials.
The study compared somatic mutations and variant allele frequencies in paired peripheral blood and bone marrow samples.
Dr. Guillermo Garcia-Manero outlined the final data update on luspatercept in patients with MDS in the COMMANDS trial.
In this video interview, Dr. Swoboda talks MDS highlights from ASH 2023, including the COMMANDS and IMerge trial.
Targeted next-generation sequencing of the full UBA1 locus was used to profile diagnostic and treatment-naïve samples.
Patients in the COMMANDS study were randomly assigned to luspatercept or epoetin alfa.
Of the patients included in the study, 67.6% were not transfusion dependent before initiating luspatercept.
OS was still inversely proportional to the IPSS-M, but the molecular risk stratification had no additional prognostic power.
Data differentiated the mechanisms of action of luspatercept from epoetin alfa in patients with transfusion-dependent LR-MDS.
Baseline mutational burden impacted response to erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in naïve patients with lower-risk MDS.
Researchers studied patients with LR-MDS who had received an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent as frontline therapy.
Amer Zeidan, MBBS, MHS, reflects on the COMMANDS study that compared luspatercept with epoetin alfa in MDS.
Rami Komrokji, MD, discussed the impact of luspatercept on the genomic landscape in patients with lower-risk MDS.